Sherman production table
Corrections and additional information is welcomed.

Production table by type

Type Number produced Production dates Manufacturers
 T6 (prototype) 1 09/41
 Aberdeen Proving Ground, not accounted for
 M4 (75)
(incl. composites)
6748 7/42-1/44  Pressed Steel Car, ALCO, Baldwin LW, Pullman Std, Chrysler
 M4A1 (75) 6281 2/42-12/43  Lima LW, Pressed Steel Car, Pacific Car & Foundry
 M4A2 (75) 8053 4/42-5/44  Pullman Std, ALCO, Baldwin LW, Fisher, Federal Machine & Welder
 M4A3 (75) 1690 6/42-9/43  Ford
 M4A4 7499 7/42-11/43  Chrysler
 M4A6 75 10/43-2/44  Chrysler
 M4 (105) 800 2/44-9/44  Chrysler
 M4 (105) HVSS 841 9/44-3/45  Chrysler
 M4A1 (76) Wet 2171 1/44-12/44  Pressed Steel Car
 M4A1 (76) HVSS 1255
1/45-7/45  Pressed Steel Car
 M4A2 (76) Wet  1594 5/44-12/44  Fisher
 M4A2 (76) HVSS  1321 1/45-5/45  Fisher, Pressed Steel Car
 M4A3 (75) Wet 3071 2/44-3/45  Fisher
 M4A3E2 Jumbo 254 5/44-7/44  Fisher
 M4A3 (76) Wet 1925 3/44-12/44  Fisher, Chrysler
 M4A3 (76) HVSS 2617 8/44-4/45  Chrysler
 M4A3 (105) 500 5/44-9/44  Chrysler
 M4A3 (105) HVSS 2539 9/44-6/45  Chrysler
 TOTAL 49234 2/42-7/45

Production table by manufacturer

Manufacturer Number produced Types
Aberdeen PG 1 T6 (prototype), not accounted for
Federal Machine & Welder 540 M4A2(75)
Pacific Car & Foundry 926 M4A1(75)
Baldwin LW 1245 M4(75), M4A2(75)
Lima Locomotive Works 1655 M4A1(75)
Ford 1690 M4A3(75)
American Loco 2300 M4(75), M4A2(75)
Pullman Standard 3426 M4(75), M4A2(75)
Pressed Steel Car 8147 M4(75), M4A1(75), M4A1(76)W, M4A2(76)W
Fisher 11358 M4A2(75), M4A2(75)D, M4A3(75)W, M4A2(76)W, M4A3(76)W, M4A3E2
Chrysler 17947 M4A4(75), M4 composite, M4A6, M4A3(76)W, M4A3(105), M4(105)
Total 49234

Production table by year
(source : the United States army in WW2 : statistics - procurement, 1952)

  Total 1942 1943 1944 1945
M4 series, 75mm gun 33 671 8 017 21 245 3 758 651
M4 series, 76mm gun 10 883 0 0 7 135 3 748
M4 series, 105mm how. 4 680 0 0 2 286 2 394
M10 and M36 Tank Destroyer 6 706 639 6 067 0 0
M36B1 Tank Destroyer
(on M4A3 hull and chassis)
187 0 0 187 0
M7 Priest 3 490 2 028 786 500 176
M7B1 Priest 826 0 0 664 162
M12 (155mm gun) 100 60 40 0 0
M30 cargo carrier for M12 100 60 40 0 0
M40 (155mm gun) 418 0 0 0 418
M43 (8-inch howitzer) 24 0 0 0 24
M32 Tank Recovery Vehicle 1599 0 31 1050 498
Special purpose tanks on M4 chassis * 497 0 355 142 0
63 181
10 804
28 564
15 722
8 071
* Special purpose tank : Shop Tractor, T10, also known as "Canal Defence Light"