Fisher appears to have transitioned to the "fabricated" antenna bracket
in June or July 1942. The company redesigned these and some other cast
components as fabrications at the request of the Government in an effort
to relieve the country's overtaxed foundry casting capacity. The
earliest surviving Fisher built M4A2 that we know of is Serial Number
2495, which would have been accepted in August 1942. The extensive
modifications made to this hull, along with traces of French markings,
lead us to suspect that it may have been one of the twenty
remanufactured M4A2s supplied to the French as Lend Lease in late 1944.
Note the sharpness and the distinctive "D" shape of the formed piece.
This is described in a Fisher document as "Bracket Radio, Part Number
C-99433." In the view from the top on the right, it can be seen that the
bracket was about 14 inches wide, and that the formed armor was a
little less than 2 inches thick. We would assume that the blank off, or
"Plate Radio Bracket, Part Number B-206494" was the same as used on the
various types of cast antenna brackets. Pierre-Olivier measured some
surviving Fishers and found that the height of the bracket in the front
varied about an inch, between 5 3/4 to 6 3/4 inches, "depending on the
width and thickness of the weld attaching it to the glacis." As we shall
see, the fabricated bracket was not exclusive to Fisher M4A2s. It has
been noted on some Pullman M4A2s, as well as nearly the entire
production of Baldwin M4s.
Baldwin Locomotive came late to the Sherman program and did not produce
its first unit until October 1942. The company manufactured 12 M4A2s in
October and November, before production was switched over to M4s in
January 1943. The photo shows USA 3010770, their last M4A2. The antenna
bracket appears to be the "first type" of casting, while the bow machine
gun socket is fabricated. (This was another non-cast component designed
by Fisher Body.) In the absence of any other photos, we can only guess
that some or all of their 12 M4A2s and perhaps a few of their first M4s
might have used the first type of cast antenna bracket.
earliest surviving Baldwin M4 that we know of is Serial Number 1940,
which would have been accepted in February 1943. This is on display at
the Normandy Victory Museum in Catz, France and is another example with
extensive modifications likely indicating that it was remanufactured.
The antenna bracket (inset) is identical in size and shape to Fisher
Part Number C-99433, and indeed, once the paint was stripped off, "C99433"
could be seen stamped into the front of this example. There appears to
be a slight difference in the undercut at the top (outlined) when
compared to the Fisher mounting. We can observe that the fabricated
bracket appears in every period photo of Baldwin M4s and on every
surviving unit except two.
Here we see one of the "outliers." This tank is on display at the Centro
de Instrução de Blindados in Santa Maria City, Brazil. The Serial
Number found on the original Baldwin dataplate, as well as on the rear
tow lugs is 16261, which indicates that it was one of the final 43 M4s
accepted in January 1944. The cast antenna bracket (inset) appears to be
welded on in a manner that is very similar to what can be seen on ALCO
or PSC built M4s. Note that this tank still has the fabricated bow
machine gun socket. Another example with cast antenna bracket, Serial
Number 16276, was examined and photographed by Michel Van Loon on a
target range in Belgium. These two exceptions leave us to wonder if
other Baldwin M4s had the cast bracket? If so, was it limited to a few
of the last ones? Or was it random throughout production? Photo courtesy
of Colonel Renato Rocha.
Shermans built by Pullman Standard are particularly hard to study, since
as best we can tell, they do not have their serial numbers stamped
anywhere on the exteriors of their hulls. Here we have an M4A2 which has
been documented as Serial Number 9882, identifying it as a Pullman
Standard accepted in December 1942. This M4A2 is on display at the
Australian Army Tank Museum in Puckapunyal and can be seen with a
fabricated antenna bracket and bow machine gun socket.
The M4A2 preserved at the Tank Museum at Bovington is the only surviving
DD with its original floatation screen intact. In 2021, a correspondent
reported that a member of the staff looked inside at the dataplate, and
found that the tank was produced by the Pullman Standard Car Co, and
that the Serial Number is 9992. Like Serial Number 9882 in Australia, it
was accepted in December 1942, and has fabricated antenna bracket and
bow machine gun socket. From this and a few period photos, we would
theorize that some Pullman M4A2s produced in late 1942 and possibly
early 1943 had these features.
One of the most interesting M4A2s that Pierre-Olivier has examined is
the range recovery shown above. This unit can be seen with the
fabricated antenna bracket and bow machine gun socket, and the glacis
pattern is easy to trace from the exposed weld seams. It is similar to
that of direct vision Fisher M4A2s produced from July 1942 until the
introduction of the elongated, fabricated drivers' hoods in November or
perhaps December 1942. However, unlike the Fishers, the turret splash
sections and the head light sockets are castings on this example. Also,
unlike the Fishers, the serial number is not stamped on the rear towing
lugs or inside the dataplate frame. In any case, this is the only
surviving M4A2 with these features we have encountered, and we can only
make an educated guess that it was produced by Pullman in October or
November 1942.
The photo above shows the Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle or BARV on
display at the REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) Museum
in Lyneham, UK. In 2023, the Museum staff sent us a photo of the tank's
dataplate confirming that it was produced by Pullman and is Serial
Number 13895. This falls within our working theory range of Pullman
Production Order T-3322, that is 400 M4A2s with SNs 13860 through 14259.
We believe SN 13895 would have been produced in March 1943, and would
posit that this was about the point where Pullman dispensed with the use
of fabricated components, and "returned" to using a cast antenna
bracket, along with a cast bow machine gun "plate." This particular
antenna bracket and a few others have been noted with "SKD 586" (inset).
We would guess that "SKD 586" might have been the Part Number used by
the manufacturer of the casting as opposed to the Part Number used by
the Ordnance Department. This one can be seen with the stylized "PL"
casting logo of Pratt and Letchworth on the flat section of the piece.
The above shows "Corse," a WW II combat veteran M4A2 of the French 2nd
Armored Division. "Corse" survived WW II and continued to serve in the
post-war French Army. The examination of surviving French Shermans
suggests that, in the years after the war, many had the vehicle's Serial
Number stamped "inside a box" on the glacis. "Corse" can be seen to
have 30850 (shown in the inset), indicating August 1943 acceptance at
Pullman Standard. As mentioned earlier, Sherman production at Pullman
was terminated in September 1943, and this tank represents the latest
Pullman M4A2 we can document at present. "Corse" is now on display at
the Musée des Blindés at Saumur.
Here we have two close-up views of the antenna bracket on "Corse." From
observation, we consider this to be the "standard" antenna bracket
casting used by Pullman on most or all of the M4A2s and M4s the company
produced in 1943. The casting has a sort of flange or flat area around
the base and is mounted on top of the glacis plate, as opposed to the
flush mounting noted on some other makers' Shermans. While a few raised
numbers/letters (circled) can be seen on this particular casting, no
caster's logo or part number is visible. Pierre-Olivier has been able to
look inside a few Pullmans and has observed that he saw casting
markings on the inner side of the piece, but they were "overwritten" by
Pullman Standard built 689 M4s from May 1943 through September
1943. There are two M4s in Florida that we think are Pullmans, but we
can't confirm it by means of a Serial or Registration Number. However,
there are some period photos of the combat veteran M4 on display as a
monument in Wiltz, Luxembourg that show the Registration Number as USA
3038800, indicating Pullman May 1943 acceptance. This tank served with
the 707th Tank Battalion and was reportedly abandoned on or about 19
December 1944 when the Battalion was overrun during the Battle of the
Bulge. The antenna bracket is identical to that of "Corse" with no
caster's logo or part number visible. We would note that the Florida M4s
have the same "unmarked" brackets.
There is nothing like
being permitted to get inside a surviving Sherman to look for details
and clues. Pierre-Olivier was able to photograph the overwritten by
welding casting marks on Pullman M4A2 SN 30813, "Arcis sur Aube" owned by Balmoral Green. What
is just barely discernable is "SKD-586" with the very uncommon "X in a
shield" casting logo listed by author Kurt Laughlin as "probably Wehr
Steel." We suspect that some or all of the unmarked on the outside
antenna brackets on Pullman M4s and M4A2s were cast by this company.
The typical cast antenna bracket observed on the few surviving Federal
Machine and Welder built M4A2s is similar and in some cases, identical
in shape to what is seen on Pullman Shermans produced starting in early
1943. Indeed, components such as the antenna brackets and bow machine
gun castings make FMW M4A2s practically indistinguishable from Pullman
M4A2s of the same vintage. However, there are some differences between
the two. It would appear that FMW mounted the grouser compartment blank
offs on top of the armor while Pullman installed them inset. Also, a few
surviving FMWs have been observed with "FEDERAL MACH & WELDER CO"
along with a build sequence number stamped inside their dataplate frames
whereas nothing has been seen stamped inside the frames of the few
surviving Pullmans in the cases where we have been able to get inside
and look. The antenna bracket on the historic survivor "Mort-Homme"
carries Part Number D52416 and has the "PL" casting logo of Pratt and
Letchworth. This casting appears to be slightly different when compared
to the Pullman brackets in that there is a softer transition to the flat
area at the base. On the other hand, the photo on the right shows the
Pratt and Letchworth D52416 bracket on "Montmirail" another historic
French M4A2. In this case, the transition to the flat area is abrupt
such as noted on the Pullmans. So, we seem to have a subtle variation in
the Pratt and Letchworth D52416 castings. Pierre-Olivier was able to
enter these tanks and saw "FEDERAL MACH & WELDER CO" stamped inside
the dataplate frames, along with the build sequence numbers 239 for
"Montmirail" and 247 for "Mort-Homme," indicating both would have been
accepted at FMW in July 1943. The sample is much too small to be
"scientific," but we can observe that 5 of the 6 surviving M4A2s known
to be FMW, have Pratt and Letchworth D52416 castings. In contrast, the
Pratt and Letchworth brackets seen on the few Pullmans have "SKD 586"
Here we have the hull of the earliest known surviving Federal Machine
and Welder M4A2, Serial Number 14815, currently stored at the Saumur
Tank Museum in France. This would have been accepted in February 1943,
and we were somewhat surprised to see that it "still" has Direct Vision
drivers' hoods. Some original wartime shipping markings can still be
read on the sides, suggesting that SN 14815 was one of 372
remanufactured Lend Lease M4A2(75)s allocated to the United Kingdom in
August 1944. Further evidence of this tank's Commonwealth history can be
seen in the British type fittings for spare track holders on the front.
In any case, the antenna bracket on SN 14815 does not have any casting
marks visible on the exterior. It can be seen to be visually different
from the other surviving FMW M4A2s, with not much of a flat area at all
at the base.
The M4A4 featured a
distinctive "radio antenna bracket" casting. Two views are shown above.
A pair of tiny drainage holes are indicated by the arrows. Chrysler
produced most of its own parts, including gun mounts, power trains and
suspension components. Some of these items were supplied to other
builders, but as best we can tell, their antenna casting was used
exclusively on the M4A4. Most surviving examples are noted to have the
"C-H" (Continental-Hubbard) caster's logo in the position seen above.
Pierre-Olivier examined the inside of one of these brackets
and found the cast in Part Number D52416. The casting
was wider than most others at 16.5 inches at the base. While the
brackets on some other Shermans were flush mounted, the Chrysler
casting was mounted on top of the armor. It was positioned about 2
inches in from the edge of the glacis, and nearly touched the weldment
of the bow gunner's hood. Small hatch, welded hull Shermans used an
assortment of antenna brackets. In a front photo, the
characteristic appearance of the Chrysler bracket can help identify an
unknown type as an M4A4
The photo above shows the Ford M4A3 pilot, SN 2655/USA 3055615 as rolled
out on May 13, 1942. It is thought that the antenna bracket seen here
may have been used on the first 50 or so Ford M4A3s. Again we see the
additional non-standard round section (arrow) atop the bracket.
The earliest known surviving Ford is on display at a VFW Post in South
Boardman, Michigan. It is SN 2662 indicating that it was accepted in
August 1942, overall, the eighth M4A3 produced. In the two views, it can
be seen that there is no "flat area" at the base of the bracket. We
haven't had the opportunity to measure one of these, but it is fairly
wide at the base, and mounted very close, like an inch in from the edge
of the glacis. We couldn't discern any casting marks or stampings on
this piece. Note the little rectangular protrusion at the front. Perhaps
a casting sprue cut?

are quite a few Ford M4A3s on display in the US, since most remained in
the homeland as training tanks during WW II. For a little "counting
heads" exercise, on the top left we have the "early bracket" on SN 2703
(September 1942) in New Bedford, Massachusetts. On the top right is the
first instance of the most commonly seen Ford antenna bracket on SN 2756
(October 1942) in Clintonville, Wisconsin. On the bottom left is SN
2785 in Coshocton, Ohio another October 1942 production Ford, but this
time with the "early bracket." On the bottom right is an M32B3 retriever
that was converted from M4A3 SN 2925 built in November 1942 and is on
display in Pleasant View, Utah. Note that this one has the "early"
bracket plus the later elongated drivers' hoods. There are 7 surviving
Fords between SN 2756 in Clintonville and SN 2925 in Pleasant View. All
have the "common" bracket, and, for a bit of additional counting heads,
SN 2893 (October 1942) is the first instance of the elongated drivers'
hoods that we have recorded. The picture that emerges to us is that Ford
appears to have begun the transition to the "common" bracket in
September or October 1942. We can observe that, after SN 2925, every
known surviving Ford M4A3 but one is noted to have the "common" antenna
Here we see the
antenna bracket on SN 11550 (December 1942) at the VFW Post in Winooski,
Vermont. We suspect that this may have been the last use of the early
bracket. Or at least we can observe that the 77 known surving M4A3s with
Serial Numbers higher than 11550 all have the common type bracket. We
were able to record the Part Number from the Winooski's bracket as
"D50112" stamped on the front face (circled). For what it is worth, this
is the same part number that has been observed on the "common" Ford
When they are not too heavily covered with paint, some of the "common"
Ford antenna brackets have been seen to have the caster's logo "GAD" and
the Part Number "D50112" "printed" in raised letters/numbers on the
rear lip. (For some reason Ford used "GAD" for their caster's mark
rather than "Ford" or "FMC." "D50112" has also been observed stamped
into the front face of the bracket.